Creating new account

How to create user account ?


Last Update vor einem Jahr

Creating a New user

You can complete the following easy steps to be a new user.

1. Go to www.buymeamomo.org in your web browser.

Image C.N.A.1: URL of Buy me a Momo

2. Type your username. You will be redirected to "Create New" page.

Image C.N.A.2: Landing Page

3. Type in your valid email address, password and click on signup to proceed.

4. You can use an email address from any email service provider such as gmail.com, hotmail.com, etc. or your valid company email address as well.

5. The password must be at least 7 characters long and must contain at least one number, one lowercase and one uppercase letter, and one special character. 

Image C.N.A.3: Sign up

6. You will be directly be signed-in and redirected to view my page.

Image C.N.A.4: My Page

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